Wednesday 18 March 2009

Adhesion – Healing For The Soul

Our souls cling to our bodies like sailors to the mast of a ship tossed about in a storm. The knocks and the tossing waves would seek to throw our souls from out of our bodies and return them from whence they came. Such power we find in these things, for we cannot dismiss our own souls from our bodies, though some say that they can do so for a time, we cannot commit to personally giving up our souls from our bodies in death until death comes to us.

Yes, we can so wreck our own bodies that our souls have no option but to leave, but such is the nature of what we are that we cannot force our souls to leave by mere willing them to go.

And so is our human condition, that we have to face the daily struggles, the turmoil and the issues that not only touch on our bodies but also our souls. Only there’s no running away;

If an issue is outside of my body, and it becomes enough of a burden, I can place myself away from it; I can move my body away from the influence and find peace elsewhere. But when an issue silently breaks through my skin and touches my soul, then there is no walking away, there is no running to a paradise beach whereupon I may rest in peaceful bliss for wherever I go, the issue goes. It will follow me to the grave for there is no massage for the soul, there is no plaster or ointment that can bring gratifying solace for a wound in the soul.

Man’s most common remedies cannot remove our ailments, but numb us to them. Our sorrows are never drowned, only temporarily silenced. Our headaches are still there, but the tablet temporarily separate us from the pain which will only depart when it is ready.

Here then is the power of a One who can comfort the sailors in the storm, place a gentle hand on our invisible wounds and strengthen us though the body is weak, for He said;

The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, To preach the acceptable year of the Lord.

Better than any ointment, the remedy for sickness of the soul is found in someone called Jesus.



Blogger Phylip Morgan said...

Great post Richard. I remember doing a small group session called "An ordinary Day with Jesus" back in 2005 with the elevate gang at ABC church. One of the session was really powerful simply called "Solitude".
I new a little then, but even more now that our current society is mad about fitness of body (health, excercise diet), fitness of mind (education, science, Rational thinkng?!), yet fitness of the soul is mans greatest need at htis time - For those of us that believe in the Human Trinity of Body, Mind & Spirit.
Despite his work and mission christ prioritised on Solitude. That session taught me to re-prioritise too.
"They that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength".

18 March 2009 at 02:20  

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