Friday 17 April 2009

A Burning Candle

I remember once, many years ago, someone was hurt by something I’d said and what they told me has stuck with me to this day; To make your candle look brighter, you don’t have to blow mine out.

I still like to jest and have a laugh with my mates, but this has stuck with me and made me think about many of the things I say and do. Am I saying something because I feel it contributes to the conversation and will have a positive effect, or am I trying to make myself look better at the expense of someone else.

Ecclesiastes 4:4 mentions something along these lines; “I have seen that every labor and every skill which is done is {the result of} rivalry between a man and his neighbor. This too is vanity and striving after wind. (NASV)

Our greatest scientific discoveries have been built on the back of warfare, a desire to be stronger, smarter and all-round more powerful than someone we hate. Even the wonderful discoveries made in space are built on the back of a desire to beat the Russians and have better weapons than them by using technology used by the Nazis.

I’m not saying that technology is evil, but when I see that the best mankind can do is done because of hate and distrust, I wonder if there can be any hope for humanity.

Do people write theological masterpieces to oppress segments of society, to scientists try and work something out in order to ridicule the people they despise, do you want to excel in your work to belittle that chap who gets on your nerves?

The Bible says that as a person is in his heart, that’s him.

So what are you like, in your heart? Who are you really?

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